Herbal products are also made from the root of another related Asian species of kudzu, called Pueraria thomsonii. The main compounds found in the root of the kudzu are the isoflavones, like the compound daidzein, also included are the isoflavone glycosides, like daidzin and the compound called puerarin. In any batch of kudzu roots, the total content of isoflavone often varies widely from 1.77%–12.0% depending on the growing conditions of the herb. The compound puerarin is always found in the highest concentration among all the isoflavones, second is daidzin, followed by daidzein. The ActiWatch® Score device contains an accelerometer that was used to record sleep/wake activity. We have previously reported on the sleep/wake patterns of the participants in this study (Bracken et al., 2011).
Health Benefits of Kudzu—Including Whether It Can Really Help Treat a Hangover
Curiously, kudzu appears to have this effect AND prevent people from becoming intoxicated with alcohol or nicotine more quickly. This aspect also requires more research into its use as a supplement, as the fact that symptoms of intoxication emerge faster offers an effective way of controlling alcohol and nicotine consumption. Chai hu (Bupleuri radix), one of the most frequently used herbs in Chinese herbal medicine, has positive benefits in cases of liver toxicity especially due to kudzu to stop drinking alcoholism [39], analgesic properties [40] as well as sedative activity [41]. Furthermore, Duffy et al. [34] reported using multiple regression analyses, greater bitterness from 3.2 mMPROP was a significant predictor of greater ethanol intensity and less alcohol intake. Interestingly, genotype was a significant predictor of alcohol intake, but not ethanol intensity. “There are anti-inflammatory properties in kudzu, which may help reduce inflammation in the body,” Beckerman says.
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They reported alcohol consumption and desire to use alcohol using a wrist actigraphy device; twice weekly laboratory visits were scheduled to monitor medication adherence and adverse events. This randomized between-subject, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involved two weeks of baseline, four weeks of treatment and two weeks of follow-up. Seventeen men (21–33 years) who reported drinking 27.6 ± 6.5 drinks/week with a diagnosis of alcohol abuse/dependence took either kudzu extract (250 mg isoflavones, t.i.d.) or matched placebo on a daily basis. The most important finding of the present study was that 4-weeks of treatment with a standardized kudzu extract reduced ad libitum alcohol consumption in a group of non treatment-seeking heavy drinkers.
- Another study found that people who took puerarin, an isoflavone extract from the kudzu plant, prior to drinking took longer to consume alcoholic beverages (3).
- People should consult with their doctor to determine if it is the right drug for their alcohol dependence.
- ‘Perfectly safe’In 2003, David Overstreet and other scientists found the herb to be effective in reducing alcohol intake on rats.
- Again, we calculated the total units consumed for each group, and then compared the total units consumed after placebo vs those consumed after kudzu.
- Consuming large quantities of alcohol or carbohydrates (carbohydrate bingeing) stimulates the brain’s production and utilization of dopamine.
Kudzu and Alcoholism
It contains several active isoflavones, which are natural plant chemicals with antioxidant effects. This compound has a positive effect on the central nervous system and the brain. Kudzu is a plant that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. In recent years, it has gained attention for its potential use in treating alcoholism.
In addition, the two treatments greatly differed in the percent of days abstinent as well as the number of consecutive days of abstinence. Increased consecutive days of abstinence is a desirable outcome of an alcohol treatment program, especially during the initial phases of treatment (Washton and Zweben, 2006). The fact that kudzu extract nearly doubled the number of consecutive days that individuals maintained abstinence suggests that it may be a useful adjunct during the early weeks of treatment.
Medications for diabetes (Antidiabetes drugs) interacts with KUDZU
When given equal amounts of alcohol, kudzu- and placebo-treated individuals respond similarly (Penetar et al., 2011). In cases of alcoholism, the doses studied in scientific research were 1.5-3g of kudzu root extract taken in 3 doses per day over 1-4 weeks. A single dose of 2g of kudzu extract has also been used in other studies before a drinking session. https://ecosoberhouse.com/ However, Lukas et al. [10] from McLean Hospital designed a study to test the efficacy of a kudzu extract in a clinical population. Specifically, male and female “heavy” alcohol drinkers were treated with either placebo or a kudzu extract for 7 days and then given an opportunity to drink their preferred brand of beer while in a naturalistic environment.
What the evidence suggests. – Psychology Today
What the evidence suggests..
Posted: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 08:00:00 GMT [source]
David Penetar
- Furthermore, it’s likely that the suggested doses for kudzu root will vary depending on the manufacturer and the type of supplement you may be considering.
- Thirty percent of current drinkers report drinking excessively (Naimi et al., 2003) and 92% of U.S. adults who drink excessively report binge drinking in the past 30 days (Town et al., 2006).
- In the second, participants who were treated for 4 weeks with kudzu extract significantly reduced their alcohol consumption during weeks 2 through 4 of the study (Lukas et al., 2013).
- This change in drinking topography was not secondary to alterations in the subjective effects of alcohol as kudzu-treated individuals still reported positive feelings (e.g., drunk, floating) without any change in the negative effects (e.g., clumsy, dizzy).